mommy jenner

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sam and Byron's Y-princess fall outing at Camp Kanata

hi, here's a photo of Sam and Byron's tribe at their Y-Princess camp outing on Sunday.. (oops, sorry, wasn't able to copy and paste from my email, just try to picture it in your heads... :) )
Sorry we don't have any other pictures, yet anyway, Byron had forgotten to bring his own camera.

Some of the highlights of the day were, a 2-mile hike through the woods, soccer game, arts and crafts, a cook-out, and the big ceremony. There were several hundred to maybe a thousand dads and daughters in the amphitheater. The ceremony was led by the chief of all the tribes, nicknamed Moose. Whenever he hit his tom-tom (drum) all the talking in the whole place ceased. The ceremony started with a processional leading to a fire arrow being shot into the lake, an explosion of gun powder that started the huge campfire, and lots of drumming, of course. The leaders of the ceremony wore Indian headdresses. This is all secondhand news, of course, as I was back home with Colby, no moms allowed. :)
In the spring, dads and girls will all return to this camp for another huge gathering, this time they'll spend the whole weekend here, 2 nights away from mom!

love, jenner

Monday, October 19, 2009

oct. 19 2009

We're finally all healthy here, (knock-knock on wood). Sam and Colby both had a cold over the past couple weeks, Sam missed a couple days of school. fortunately Byron and I didn't catch it. I felt a little yucky Saturday, but I think it was from eating too much bean dip the other night, made me go and go and go...yuck.

Pretty day here, glad that el nino or whatever has left us, too.

love, jenner