mommy jenner

Friday, May 09, 2008

Made 12 sales so far on etsy!

Hi! This week was sort of exciting for me, as I made 5 sales on my etsy site, I think what helped, too, was that someone "found" me and featured me on this website, I was yesterday's "today's pick", the featured independent business of the day. So I was excited, free advertising! and seemingly those 4 sales yesterday may have come from that! So I'm learning the importance of getting connected and getting my name out there. The photos above are new items I've recently listed on
I'm hoping to keep up the sales and find some consistency and routine in all this, yet I always want it to feel like "art", too, at least a little bit. I know, it's 98% perspiration and 2% inspiration, or so they say, but I don't want to get caught up in the numbers.
adios, amigos....

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Beautiful May. Beautiful season of mothering. How it goes by so fast, and I need to stop and record each beautiful thing about it. It's such a blur. Colby's asleep, still hanging onto that morning nap, but has given up the afternoon nap, choosing to go to bed early, around 7 pm each night, instead. He's almost 21 months old! Seems just yesterday he was in my tummy, as I enjoyed wearing maternity clothes (enjoyed??) for the last time, at age 40!

Sam's in her transition preschool class, 9-1 mon-friday, and it makes me tear up to think that after these 3 wonderful years of preschool, she'll be moving on to kindergarten, sniff, sniff, this July already! (year-round school at Adams elementary). She's becoming such a big girl! Still so silly, but learning so much, can't believe all the reading and writing skills she's showing us lately.

Aunt Cyndy visited the past couple days. They had fun playing barbies, we went to the park together. Byron had the day off, I let him go visit Shon in Wilmington, for some treasured "guy time", which he doesn't get very often these days.

more later,